Overview of Meeting Place During Evacuation | Florvåg

1. Press the nearest emergency button to call industrial protection
2. Call emergency services:
Fire: 110
Police: 112
Ambulance: 113
3. Notify your contact person
Evening time
1. Press the nearest emergency button to call industrial protection
When you press the fire alarm, the gate and doors will open so that the emergency services can gain access to the building.
2.Call emergency services:
Fire: 110
Police: 112
Ambulance: 113
3. Notify your contact person
When you notify by telephone, inform:
•Who you are
•What has happened
•Where it has happened
•Degree of damage
We have a strong emergency response system with well-trained personnel, who can assist quickly in the event of an incident.
Until they are in place, do what you can to secure/evacuate the area and start first aid.
Both first aid equipment and fire extinguishers are available in fire & first aid stations.