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Framo Solutions for Aframax

Think Outside the Pump Room with Framo

The Framo hydraulically driven submerged cargo pumping system is the future solution for Aframax tankers. It offers substantial fuel savings during cargo discharge and cargo heating, leading to reduced operational costs and emissions. The elimination of the pump room not only achieves a 2% increased cargo carrying volume but also enhances the overall safety level. Furthermore, the Framo system allows for simplified cargo piping, resulting in approximately 60% savings in pipes and valves.

Made to Perform: Robust Framo Cargo Pumps

The Framo cargo pump is of a robust construction made to efficiently empty any cargo tank containing the heaviest and most viscous crude oils. The hydraulic driveline is designed for safe and reliable pumping and final stripping. The pump can operate at full capacity to the very end of your discharge operation without risk of cavitation or any build-up of heat.


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