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Water injection pumps

Higher uptime with Framo water injection pumps

Framo water injection pumping systems are designed for minimal wear and tear, even when working with produced water. Combined with the ease of maintaining them, this ensures more time in operation.


Proven reliability

Framo water injection pumping systems are the reliable way to increase reservoir pressure. The high-power stages are arranged back-to-back for balanced thrust forces, and the high-speed shaft operates well below first critical speed.

This creates a dynamically robust design, as shown by 25 years of pressure-boosting experience. Framo water injection pumping systems have shown more than 98% average availability in over 4,000,000 operating hours logged.

Flexibility in design and operation

With pumps available in series or parallel configuration, Framo water injection pumping systems offer high flexibility. The standard design is for electric motor drives, but systems can be delivered for turbine drives as well.

Impellers can be switched without hydraulic tools or rebalancing the rotating assembly. This means that different pump duties can be achieved at short notice. As a result, the same pump can perform both normal injection and reservoir fracturing operations.

Less space, CAPEX and maintenace

The riser pipe is constructed of flanged sections, while the hydraulic oil pipes inside it are fitted with connectors. This construction protects the hydraulic fluid transmission and enables the lift pump to be installed without an external caisson.

Less space, CAPEX and maintenance

Despite their versatility, Framo water injection pumping systems have less than half the footprint of a barrel casing pump. Because a booster pump is integrated into their main injection pump, they eliminate the need for a separate pump with associated piping, valves and manifolds.

The removal of equipment and deck structure means lower system CAPEX. Plus, it creates easy access to the pump skid, with service items such as lube filters in easy reach – and no cartridge pull-out space needed. Combined with the easy impeller and seal changes, this means lower maintenance-related OPEX as well.

Broad scope of use

Framo water injection pumping systems can also be an excellent compact alternative for other high-pressure pumping applications, such as crude oil export.


  • Integral booster pump for simplified installation and reduced overall cost
  • Operation below first critical speed
  • Performance flexibility to suit changing reservoir conditions
  • Impellers available for reservoir fracturing
  • Serial or parallel configuration
  • Compact, low-weight design with high power-toweight ratio

Handling produced water

Reinjecting produced water is a common practice, both for boosting well pressure and for reducing polluting discharge into the sea. However, produced water has challenging characteristics that can lead to sand erosion and scaling within the pump.

To deal effectively with produced water, Framo water injection pumps employ tungsten carbide wear surfaces in combination with double mechanical seals with liquid barrier fluid. This design has proven very successful in reducing wear and tear.

Low-effort maintenance

The compact, low-weight design of Framo water injection systems provides easy access to rotating components. As a result, it takes less than one offshore shift to replace impellers, wear rings and mechanical seals. Exchanging an impeller and mechanical seal can be done in less than four hours from pump shutdown to startup.

This means less downtime than with any other large water injection pump, with the added advantage of minimal service space and lay-down area requirements.

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